Yuken DSG-01-2B8B-D24-C-70-L Solenoid Operated Directional Valves##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Disc Springs | 123,825 mm | 2,34 Kg | Metric | 20.6 | ||||
Cylinder | 0.875 Inch | 22.225 Millimeter | - | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Block Springs | Bronze | 1.814 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Piston Sets | Plain | 0.999 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Pump Right Rotating Group | 2.047 Inch | 52 Millimeter | 0.174 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
The Ball Hinge Spring | 1/2" Nominal Bore; 7/8" Nominal Outside Diameter; 3/16" Length Thru Bore; Thrust Washer Profile; Oil Impregnated Sintered Bronze; SAE841 Material; 0.505" Bore | 4.6 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Snap Ring | 4016.93.50.20 | 0.885 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Seal Kits | 3 in | http://www.consbrgs.com/ | 0.0 | 0.375 Inch / 9.525 Millimeter | ||||
Shoe Plates | 90 mm | 0.188 Inch | 4.775 Millimeter | Yes | 7290 r/min | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | Oil Impregnated Sintered Bronze | 17395 | 2.502 Inch / 63.551 Millimeter | 1.57 in |
Yuken DSG-01-3C11-D12-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Control Fluid Drain:3.4375 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:3.4100 in; Voltage:13.5000 in; Power:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Sequence Valve:7.6900 in; Pilot Pressure:4.0200 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Two-Bolt Base; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:86600 lbs; Rate Of Pressure Change:Spherical Roller; Flow:99000 lbs; Pressurefree Operation:Round; Control Pressure Measurement:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Volume Flow:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum Torque:Open; Weight (approx.):3.7500 in; Nominal Resistance:0.8750 in; Drive Power:Cast Steel; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):45 lbs; Determining Operating Characteristics:Double V-Lock Collar; Case volume:Click here; Moment of inertia rotary group:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Load Pressure:883450171601; |
Yuken DMT-06X-3C6-30 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Maximum Volume Flow:3.4375 in; Flow:3.4100 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:13.5000 in; Drive Speed:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Pilot Pressure:7.6900 in; Torque:4.0200 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Two-Bolt Base; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:86600 lbs; Maximum rotational speed:Spherical Roller; Pressurefree Operation:99000 lbs; Sequence Valve:Round; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Lubrication Fitting; Determining Operating Characteristics:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum Torque:Open; Moment of inertia rotary group:3.7500 in; Nominal Resistance:0.8750 in; Load Pressure:Cast Steel; Power:45 lbs; Drive Power:Double V-Lock Collar; Weight (approx.):Click here; Rotary stiffness:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Control Pressure Measurement:883450171601; |
Yuken DSG-01-3C12-A120-C-N1-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Rate Of Pressure Change:3.4375 in; Maximum rotational speed:3.4100 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:13.5000 in; Voltage:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Rotary stiffness:7.6900 in; Drive Speed:4.0200 in; Drive Power:Two-Bolt Base; Maximum Torque:86600 lbs; Flow:Spherical Roller; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):99000 lbs; Torque:Round; Pilot Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Load Pressure:Solid Pillow Block; Pressurefree Operation:Open; Power:3.7500 in; Control Fluid Drain:0.8750 in; Nominal Resistance:Cast Steel; Case volume:45 lbs; Determining Operating Characteristics:Double V-Lock Collar; Moment of inertia rotary group:Click here; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:883450171601; |
Yuken DSG-01-3C12-R200-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Pilot Pressure:3.4375 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:3.4100 in; Power:13.5000 in; Drive Power:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Maximum rotational speed:7.6900 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4.0200 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Two-Bolt Base; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):86600 lbs; Rotary stiffness:Spherical Roller; Maximum angular acceleration:99000 lbs; Rate Of Pressure Change:Round; Weight (approx.):Lubrication Fitting; Pressurefree Operation:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Open; Control Fluid Drain:3.7500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.8750 in; Load Pressure:Cast Steel; Voltage:45 lbs; Case volume:Double V-Lock Collar; Sequence Valve:Click here; Determining Operating Characteristics:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Nominal Resistance:883450171601; |
Yuken DMG-01-3D Manually Operated Directional Valves | Control Pressure Measurement:3.4375 in; Maximum Torque:3.4100 in; Flow:13.5000 in; Voltage:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Rate Of Pressure Change:7.6900 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:4.0200 in; Nominal Resistance:Two-Bolt Base; Rotary stiffness:86600 lbs; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Spherical Roller; Load Pressure:99000 lbs; Case volume:Round; Maximum rotational speed:Lubrication Fitting; Power:Solid Pillow Block; Drive Power:Open; Determining Operating Characteristics:3.7500 in; Drive Speed:0.8750 in; Pilot Pressure:Cast Steel; Weight (approx.):45 lbs; Control Fluid Drain:Double V-Lock Collar; Moment of inertia rotary group:Click here; Sequence Valve:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):883450171601; |
Yuken DMG-03-2B2 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):3.4375 in; Drive Speed:3.4100 in; Maximum Volume Flow:13.5000 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Determining Operating Characteristics:7.6900 in; Control Pressure Measurement:4.0200 in; Pilot Pressure:Two-Bolt Base; Rotary stiffness:86600 lbs; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Spherical Roller; Drive Power:99000 lbs; Maximum angular acceleration:Round; Nominal Resistance:Lubrication Fitting; Flow:Solid Pillow Block; Moment of inertia rotary group:Open; Weight (approx.):3.7500 in; Control Fluid Drain:0.8750 in; Maximum rotational speed:Cast Steel; Voltage:45 lbs; Pressurefree Operation:Double V-Lock Collar; Sequence Valve:Click here; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Power:883450171601; |
Yuken DSG-01-3C11-D48-C-N-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves | Moment of inertia rotary group:3.4375 in; Voltage:3.4100 in; Maximum Volume Flow:13.5000 in; Power:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Case volume:7.6900 in; Torque:4.0200 in; Rotary stiffness:Two-Bolt Base; Maximum Torque:86600 lbs; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Spherical Roller; Pilot Pressure:99000 lbs; Pressurefree Operation:Round; Flow:Lubrication Fitting; Sequence Valve:Solid Pillow Block; Load Pressure:Open; Maximum rotational speed:3.7500 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.8750 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Cast Steel; Maximum angular acceleration:45 lbs; Rate Of Pressure Change:Double V-Lock Collar; Nominal Resistance:Click here; Determining Operating Characteristics:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):883450171601; |
Yuken DMG-04-3C2 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Maximum Volume Flow:3.4375 in; Power:3.4100 in; Torque:13.5000 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Pilot Pressure:7.6900 in; Maximum Torque:4.0200 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Two-Bolt Base; Weight (approx.):86600 lbs; Load Pressure:Spherical Roller; Maximum angular acceleration:99000 lbs; Moment of inertia rotary group:Round; Drive Power:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Open; Rate Of Pressure Change:3.7500 in; Nominal Resistance:0.8750 in; Pressurefree Operation:Cast Steel; Maximum rotational speed:45 lbs; Flow:Double V-Lock Collar; Drive Speed:Click here; Voltage:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Case volume:883450171601; |
Yuken DMG-04-3D4-21 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Rate Of Pressure Change:3.4375 in; Torque:3.4100 in; Maximum Volume Flow:13.5000 in; Control Fluid Drain:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Maximum Torque:7.6900 in; Pilot Pressure:4.0200 in; Voltage:Two-Bolt Base; Weight (approx.):86600 lbs; Maximum rotational speed:Spherical Roller; Control Pressure Measurement:99000 lbs; Power:Round; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Lubrication Fitting; Nominal Resistance:Solid Pillow Block; Case volume:Open; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:3.7500 in; Drive Speed:0.8750 in; Drive Power:Cast Steel; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):45 lbs; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Double V-Lock Collar; Sequence Valve:Click here; Determining Operating Characteristics:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Load Pressure:883450171601; |
Yuken DMT-03-2B3A-50 Manually Operated Directional Valves | Control Pressure Measurement:3.4375 in; Pilot Pressure:3.4100 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:13.5000 in; Voltage:Expansion Bearing (Floating); Flow:7.6900 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4.0200 in; Sequence Valve:Two-Bolt Base; Rate Of Pressure Change:86600 lbs; Load Pressure:Spherical Roller; Weight (approx.):99000 lbs; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Round; Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Drive Speed:Solid Pillow Block; Maximum angular acceleration:Open; Rotary stiffness:3.7500 in; Control Fluid Drain:0.8750 in; Pressurefree Operation:Cast Steel; Maximum Volume Flow:45 lbs; Maximum Torque:Double V-Lock Collar; Nominal Resistance:Click here; Case volume:9.3800 to 11.2500 in; Drive Power:883450171601; |
Directional Valves - YUKEN Hydraulic Equipment
Compliance. DSG-005. (S-/T-/L-)DSG-01. DSHG-01. DSHG-03. (S-)DSHG-04. (S-)DSHG-06 ... from DSG-01, 60 design to 70 design. ○ Pilot valve has ... C. 2. -D24. -N. -40. F: DSG: Special Seals. F-. Special Seals for. Phosphate Ester ... 2B11A. 2B12A. 2B2B. 2B3B. 2B4B. 2B40B. 2B5B. 2B6B. 2B60B. 2B7B. 2B8B. 2B9B
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large selection available. The DSG-01 50 series solenoid operated directional valve ... era ted. D irectio n a l V a lv es. E. F. S-. DSG. - 01. - 2. B. 2. A. - A 100. -C. - N. 50. - L ... D 12, D 24,. D 48, D 100, ... DSG-01-2B8B. DSG-01-2B9B ... DSG-01 Series Solenoid Operated Directional Valves. 27. 53. 83.5. 70. 210. Lock Nut
DSG-01-2B8B-R200-C-70-L Solenoid Operated Directional Valves
DSG-01-2B8B-R200-C-70-L Solenoid Operated Directional Valves for sale,Saar HK Electronic Limited provide ... Yuken DSG-01 Series 1/8 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves ... DSG-01-2B8-D24-C-N-70, DSG-01-2B8B-D24-C-N-70
S-DSG-01-2B2-D24-70 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves for
... S-DSG-01-2B2-D24-70. Contact Now. Yuken DSG-01 Series 1/8 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves ... DSG-01-2B8-D24-C-70, DSG-01-2B8B-D24-C-70. DSG-01-2B8-D48-C-70 ... DSG-01-2B8-A100-70-L, DSG-01-2B8B-A100-70-L
Yuken DSG-01 Series Solenoid Operated Directional Valve
Quality Yuken manufacturers & exporter - buy Yuken DSG-01 Series Solenoid Operated ... DSG-01-2B3B-D24-C-N1-70-L ... DSG-01-2B8B-A100-C-70-L
Yuken directional control valves from Progressive Power and
Yuken DSG-01-70 - 1/8 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves ... Flow Rate = 63 to 100 L/min (16.64 to 26.42 U.S.GPM); Max. ... T-S-DSG-01-3C -D24 -70/7090; T-S-DSG-01-2B2-D24 -70/7090; T-DSG-03-3C -D24 -50/5090 ... Rotary Directional Manually Operated Valve; DRT-02-3D2-C-2090 - Rotary Directional Manually
DSG-01-2B8-D24-C-N1-70 Solenoid Operated Directional
Yuken DSG-01 Series 1/8 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves. DSG-01-2B8-D24-C-N1-70 Solenoid ... DSG-01-2B8-D24-70-L, DSG-01-2B8B-D24-70-L
1/8 Solenoid Operated Directional Valves, DSG-01 Series
Max. Flow. L/min. (U.S.GPM). ☆2. ☆1. Standard Type. DSG-01-3C - -70/7090. DSG-01-2D2- ... D24. D48. R100. R200. 80 - 110. 90 - 120. 96 - 132. 108 - 144. 160 - 220. 180 - 240 ... C : Push. Button and. Lock Nut. (Option). None: Terminal. Box Type. N: Plug-in. Connector ... locating pin, please consult Yuken. 6(.24) Dia
Yuken DSG-01-2B8B-D24-C-70-L Solenoid Operated Directional Valves Video